
I’m Cailyn Hoover. I make websites and run WCA sanctioned rubik’s cube competitions.

You might know me for letscube.net, a webapp that allows users to compete against each other solving rubik’s cubes. I also made WCARegs.

Most recently, I have spent a large amount of time specializing in groups communication software for WCA competitions. I have 2 popular websites:

In addition to these, I have many, many more projects on my github.


I started writing code in 2010 with a litle bit of html and visual basic. As a 13 year old, I got hooked on writing .NET software such as web browsers. I then “graduated” to C# where I got more of a famliarity writing C-like code doing much the same software.

I eventually found java and lwjgl where I started messing around with making a java game engine eventually making a small minecraft clone

Come 2014, I began learning web development where I fell in love with the platform and it’s ease to develop on. From the start, I started learning NodeJS and serving little html and vanilla javascript websites.

My first major full stack project was Fantasy Cubing 2017. Users could pick teams of rubik’s cube solvers attending competitions each week to win points based on how well their team did.

A couple years later, covid would help me find the time to develop and release my biggest website yet, Letscube. I filled a gap in the rubik’s cube software world with a proper webapp that lets users compete against each other in real time.


I’m currently employed at Circle!

I’m also the current Pacific Northwest Region Lead Delegate at World Cube Association. I personally oversee all competitions happening in the PNW US region and work to keep them happening.

I spend my off time developing various cubing competition software such as

  • Website for viewing competition groups
  • Website for helping make competition groups
  • Starting a project to manage, in real time, what the current active group for a competition is and notifying competitors of changes.