If you’re here, it’s likely because I linked to it from some other social media site.

Hi, I’m Cailyn (she/her). I’m trans and I’m a woman.

That’s all I really need to say. If you’re curious, I’ll answer the questions below:

How long have you known?

I started questioning late 2021. It was funny. It came out of the blue. I had no real reason to question it except for the idea popping in my head. The idea never left my head though and kept coming back. This lead me to continue diving deeper into what it mean to be trans, and if I was.

Why Cailyn?

Good question. I spent a little while looking for a new name. It wasn’t until I was listening to a podcast where I just overhead that name when I realized it fit me. I spelled it out and “Cailyn” is what I got. I’m aware that there’s a million different ways to spell it, and I could have made it easier for myself, but I didn’t.